Boss SD-1 Super OverDrive – My gear

Boss SD-1 Super OverDrive

I bought the Boss SD-1 Super OverDrive from the Facebook Marketplace, it’s the first pedal I bought when I decided to switch to pedals, after almost 30 years of using modeling amps.

Songs from the Big Chair – Tears for Fears (album review)

songs from the big chair

This is an amazing album, really strong on almost every song, most of them don’t sound dated at all. The production is amazing, this is a great example of taking advantage of the synths and sampling of the era, and combining some great instrumentalists, from the band itself, and from some talented collaborators.

10 forgotten gems of the 80’s

Gems of the 80's

The 80’s is an amazing decade for music, not only for Top40 pop, but many other genres that didn’t necessary get a lot of airplay on the radio. Here are a few of my favorites, 10 forgotten gems of the 80’s.

Is being a musician a real job?

Is musician a real job

As a musician or an artist, you often hear comments like “It’s not a real job like a day job” or “You have fun so you’re not working”. These comments are very condescending to us, and they are not rare.